Last Site Update: July 10th, 2024 | Latest Version: 12.1.0







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This manual assumes that you have already have Python and/or Jython and/or IronPython installed in your machine, as well as Eclipse.

Manual topics:


  • from update site and zips
  • uninstalling

Configuring the interpreter

  • specify the python interpreter and system PYTHONPATH
  • choose the modules to be dynamically analyzed (forced builtins)

Creating a project

  • Create the project
  • Specify referenced projects

Further configuring your project

  • specify folders containing the sources (added to the project PYTHONPATH)
  • specify additional external folders to be added to the project PYTHONPATH

Creating your first python module

  • Checking code-completion

Running/Debugging your program

Configuring Eclipse Essentials

  • Auto-refresh

Navigating your code with PyDev

Tips for programming with PyDev

Further info on:

Previous (Root) Root Next (Install)

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