Last Site Update: July 10th, 2024 | Latest Version: 12.1.0







PyDev PyDev on VSCode LiClipse

PyDev development

PyDev is open source and depends on your contributions! This may be in the form of bug fixes, answers on stackoverflow, new features...

Another option is financially supporting it at: Patreon (which provides a way to support it monthly and get rewards starting with $1).

Or through 1-time contributions at:


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Keybindings quick-reference

The table below shows some common keybindings used in day-to-day development. The ones in bold are the some of those that you should really know about.

Note that this is far from being a complete list of keybindings (in fact, it tries to be short). A complete list in your environment is shown when you type Ctrl+Shift+L. If you type it twice, it will bring you to the place where you can edit/see the keybindings you have in your installation (including keybindings from any plugin you have installed).

Category Action Keybinding Scope
Edit Rectangular edition Shift+Alt+A Editing Text
Edit Find Next Ctrl+K Editing Text
Edit Find and Replace Ctrl+F In Windows
Edit Word Completion Alt+/ Editing Text
File Close Ctrl+F4 In Windows
File New (short list) Alt+Shift+N In Windows
File New (full list) Ctrl+N In Windows
File Save Ctrl+S In Windows
Navigate Backward History Alt+Left In Windows
Navigate Forward History Alt+Right In Windows
Navigate Go to Line Ctrl+L Editing Text
Navigate Last Edit Location Ctrl+Q In Windows
Navigate Open Resource Ctrl+Shift+R In Windows
Navigate Show In menu Alt+Shift+W In Windows
Navigate Go to next problem marker Ctrl+. In Windows
PyDev - Editor Quick Fix / Content Assistants Ctrl+1 PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Code Completion Ctrl+Space PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Add Comment Block Ctrl+4 PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Add Single Comment Block Ctrl+Shift+4 PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Convert space-tabs to tabs Ctrl+Shift+Tab PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Convert tabs to space-tabs Ctrl+Tab PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Next Method or Class Ctrl+Shift+Down PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Previous Method or Class Ctrl+Shift+Up PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Python Collapse Ctrl+Numpad - PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Python Collapse All 1 level Ctrl+Numpad / PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Toggle Mark Occurrences Alt+Shift+O PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Python Format Code Ctrl+Shift+F PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Python Go To Definition F3 PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Python Organize Imports Ctrl+Shift+O PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Python Show Quick Outline Ctrl+O PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Python Open Definition Quick Outline Ctrl+Shift+T PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Python Un Collapse Ctrl+ Numpad + PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Python Un Collapse All 1 level Ctrl+ Numpad * PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Python Comment/Uncomment Ctrl+/ (for both) PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Remove Comment Block Ctrl+5 PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Start interactive session Ctrl+Alt+Enter PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Send line to interactive session F2 PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor List commands binded to Ctrl+2 (only the most important are below) Ctrl+2 (once) PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Assigns method parameters to attributes of self Ctrl+2+a PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Forces code analysis in the current editor Ctrl+2+c PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Kills all the python shells spawned by PyDev Ctrl+2+kill PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Renames local occurrences Ctrl+2+r PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Wraps the current selected paragraph Ctrl+2+w PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Enables/Disables wrapping in the editor Ctrl+2+setwrap PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Passes the passed command to in Django Ctrl+2+dj command PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Puts a new line after each comma (split lines) Ctrl+2+sl PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Transforms an import into a string (import string) Ctrl+2+is PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Editor Searches the passed (or selected) string in the open editors Ctrl+2+s string_to_find PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Search Find references Ctrl+Shift+G PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Refactor Python Extract Local Variable Alt+Shift+L PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Refactor Python Extract Method Alt+Shift+M PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Refactor Python Inline Local Variable Alt+Shift+I PyDev editor scope
PyDev - Refactor Python Rename Alt+Shift+R PyDev editor scope
Run/Debug Run current editor F9 PyDev editor scope
Run/Debug Run current editor unit-tests Ctrl+F9 PyDev editor scope
Run/Debug Debug Last Launched F11 In Windows
Run/Debug Run Last Launched Ctrl+F11 In Windows
Run/Debug Step Into F5 Debugging
Run/Debug Step Over F6 Debugging
Run/Debug Step Return F7 Debugging
Run/Debug Resume F8 Debugging
Search Open Search Dialog Ctrl+H In Windows
Text Editing Copy Lines Ctrl+Alt+Down Editing Text
Text Editing Delete Line Ctrl+D Editing Text
Text Editing Delete Next Word Ctrl+Delete Editing Text
Text Editing Duplicate Lines Ctrl+Alt+Up Editing Text
Text Editing Insert Line Below Current Line Shift+Enter Editing Text
Text Editing Move Lines Down Alt+Down Editing Text
Text Editing Move Lines Up Alt+Up Editing Text
Text Editing Scroll Line Down Ctrl+Down Editing Text
Text Editing Scroll Line Up Ctrl+Up Editing Text
Text Editing To Lower Case Ctrl+Shift+Y Editing Text
Text Editing To Upper Case Ctrl+Shift+X Editing Text
Window Activate Editor F12 In Windows
Window Maximize Active View or Editor Ctrl+M In Windows
Window Next Editor Ctrl+F6 (LiClipse adds Ctrl+Tab too) In Windows
Window Next Perspective Ctrl+F8 In Windows
Window Next View Ctrl+F7 In Windows
Window Open Editor Drop Down Ctrl+E In Windows
Window Show Key Assist Ctrl+Shift+L In Dialogs and Windows
Window Show Ruler Context Menu Ctrl+F10 Editing Text
Window Show System Menu Alt+- In Windows
Window Show View Menu Ctrl+F10 In Windows
Window Switch to Editor Ctrl+Shift+E In Windows

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